Per contro, altri equipaggiamenti prima ford mondeo rs vennero resi di serie generando un incremento nel livello qualitativo, soprattutto negli allestimenti meno costosi. Seguendo i nuovi standard introdotti dalla Volkswagen Passat nella Ford diede per la Mondeo grande attenzione nella realizzazione degli interni. Ford mondeo rs esempio il passo viene allungato di 5cm per sopperire alle lamentele sullo spazio posteriore relative alla serie precedente.
Tale piattaforma viene utilizzata anche base per altri modelli del Gruppo Ford, alcuni dei quali sono entrati nel mercato immediatamente prima della Mondeo.
Ad esempio il pianale della Mazda 6 e quello della Jaguar X-Type sono ford mondeo rs derivati da quello della Mondeo. Anche in questa serie, poi, sono tre le varianti di carrozzeria disponibili: berlina a due o tre volumi e station-wagon.
Come per la progenitrice, la sicurezza passiva fu uno dei punti di forza della nuova Mondeo. Per la seconda serie, il 1. Il motore 2. Venne introdotta anche una nuova trasmissione automatica chiamata Durashift. Le motorizzazioni vendute erano i 2. Le motorizzazioni benzina vennero revisionate introducendo la versione SCI iniezione diretta del ford mondeo rs.
Inoltre, il computer di bordo venne inserito di serie su tutti i modelli, mentre il cruise control solo in alcuni mercati. Vengono poi introdotti due due nuovi Duratorq a iniezione ford mondeo rs TDCiun 2. Nela maggio, fu tolta dai listini, sostituita dalla Ford Mondeo di terza generazione. Inoltre viene presentata in anteprima sempre nel anche nel film di James Bond Casino Royaledove venne scherzosamente ribattezzata "Bondeo".
I motori ford mondeo rs includono un 1. Tra i Diesel figurano il 1. Al debutto gli allestimenti disponibili per il mercato italiano sono 3: base, Titanium e Ghia. La vettura, presentata il 25 agosto al Salone di Mosca, ha esordito in listino a settembre dello stesso anno. Oltre al frontale ridisegnato le maggiori innovazioni riguardano la sicurezza che comprende il Lane Departure Warning che ford mondeo rs il cambio di corsia, il dispositivo Auto High Beam Control che regola ford mondeo rs i fari abbaglianti e il Driver Alert.
Per quanto riguarda le motorizzazioni esordiscono i due nuovi propulsori EcoBoost: il 2. Per quanto riguarda i propulsori Diesel abbiamo il 2. Был продолжением Ford Escort RS Ford Focus RS оснащался 2-литровой версией двигателя Zetec-E с турбонаддувомвыдавал мощность л. Всего был произведён Focus RS на фабрике в Саарлуисе.
Дизельные [6] [7] [8] :. Общие глобальные технологии. Основа конструкции подвескикоторая обязана своим происхождением успеху первого поколения Ford Focus, имеет много позаимствованного от предшественника [ источник не указан день ].
Также второе поколение предлагает одинаковые с первым поколением типы кузова.
Ford Motor Company
Показанный в сентябре года на франкфуртском автосалоне3 декабря года автомобиль пошёл ford mondeo rs серию [11] и в начале года поступил в продажу. В результате проведённого рестайлинга из ford mondeo rs деталей лишь крыша была позаимствована у предыдущего поколения. Корма и профиль изменились незначительно:. Передняя часть автомобиля стала совершенно иной, вся светотехника и кузовные элементы во многом были скопированы у Ford Mondeo:. Интерьер также претерпел изменения:.
Вопреки слухам, на новый RS не была установлена двойная турбина и полный привод. Поставлялся только в кузове 3-дверный хетчбэк. Автомобили комплектуются двигателем 2,5 л Duratec RS л. Основными изменениями стали следующие: новая прокладка головки цилиндров, новые поршни, новый распредвал и шатуны с увеличенными подшипниками, на поверхность цилиндров нанесено напыление из износостойкого металла. Мощность составила л. В частности, были изменены корпус и подшипники сцепления. Спринт на 1 км: 25,4 сек.
Данный форсированный автомобиль, названный компанией Ford Focus RSполучил следующие характеристики:. Автомобиль представлен на Детройтском автошоу 11 января года [16]. Модель одинакова на всех рынках и пришла на смену как европейскому Ford Focus 2-го поколения, так и разменявшему десятилетний юбилей североамериканскому.
Эта ford mondeo rs пришла на смену трём различным платформам, производящимся ford mondeo rs различных регионах [18]. В модельной линейке нового автомобиля нет трёхдверного хетчбэка и купе-кабриолета. Рулевое управление будет оснащено электроусилителем [21]. Ford mondeo rs производство автомобилей нового поколения в Европе на заводе в Саарлуисе началось 6 декабря года.
Приём заказов в США начался 1 октября года, а запуск серийного производства в Америке состоялся 4 февраля года. Российская сборка стартовала 18 июля года. В Китае и Таиланде новый автомобиль будет выпускаться на вновь возводимых заводах, завершить строительство которых планируется в году.
Запуск производства в Африке и Латинской Америке произошёл позже. Новый Focus продаётся в странах мира. Первые покупатели получили свои машины в конце июля года. Ford пообещал начать мировые продажи автомобиля с сильным 2,0-литровым 4-цилиндровым двигателем EcoBoost в начале года [25].
По сравнению со стандартной ford mondeo rs, в автомобиле применен более прочный и жесткий каркас кузова и была оптимизирована конструкция передней и задней подвески. В стандарте Focus ST оснащается оптимизированной 6-ступенчатой механической трансмиссией. В январе года, на Североамериканском автошоу, Ford выставил разработанный в альянсе с крупнейшим поставщиком автокомпонентов Magna International [26]в рамках стратегии электрификации, полностью электрический автомобиль BEV battery electric vehicle.
Тестовый прототип был представлен в кузове американского Ford Focus в качестве носителя агрегатов [27]. Под капотом новый полностью электрический двигатель, который устанавливается на новую ford mondeo rs платформу Ford сегмента C. Прототип приводился в действие электромотором и литий-ионной аккумуляторной батареей. Ночной зарядки хватало на 80 миль.
Планировалось, что к моменту появления автомобиля в розничной продаже, запас хода увеличится до миль. Батареи располагались в багажнике и под сиденьями. Прототип BEV мог заряжаться от стандартной вольтной или вольтной сетевой розетки. Время зарядки 6 или 12 часов соответственно. В моторном отсеке находился установленный на шасси киловаттный электродвигатель с постоянным магнитом, работающий на трёхфазном переменном токе, поступающим из батареи через инвертор.
Все остальные компоненты располагались как у обычного автомобиля [28]. В июне года стало известно, что полностью электрический Ford Focus следующего поколения, будет выпускаться на сборочном предприятии в Мичигане, начиная с года [29]ford mondeo rs этом же году произойдёт запуск продаж автомобиля в США и Канаде [30].
Зарядка аккумулятора занимала от 6 до 8 часов от сети вольт. Поставщиком литий-ионных батарей для автомобиля станет компания Compact Power, Inc. The agreement also gives hourly workers the job security they were seeking by having the company commit to substantial investments in most of its factories. During congressional hearings held in November at Washington D. But we also must prepare ourselves for ford mondeo rs prospect of further deteriorating economic conditions".
Mulally went on to state that "The collapse of one of our competitors would have a severe impact on Ford" and that Ford Motor Company supports both Chrysler and General Motors in their search ford mondeo rs government bridge loans in the face of conditions caused by the financial crisis. Mulally stated that "In addition to our plan, we are also here ford mondeo rs to request support for the industry.
In the near-term, Ford does not require access to a government bridge loan. On Ford mondeo rs 19, the cost of credit default swaps to insure the ford mondeo rs of Ford was 68 percent the sum insured for five years in addition to annual payments of 5 percent. The company retained sufficient liquidity to fund its operations. On October 29,Ford announced the sale of its climate control components business, its last remaining automotive components operation, to Detroit Thermal Systems LLC for an undisclosed price.
The generous amount has been a sore point for some workers of the company. In Ford mondeo rsFord announced a plan to modernize its Dearborn engineering and headquarters campuses through a ten-year building project. The end result would see the number of Ford employees working in these areas doubling, to 24, During construction, some of the employees were relocated out of the campus to a temporary location in a disused section of the local shopping mall.
The Ford Focus will now be manufactured in the existing plant in Mexico. The new site was expected to have a major focus on the development of autonomous vehicle and electric vehicle technology. In FebruaryFord Motor Co. Hackett most recently oversaw the formation of Ford Smart Mobility, a unit responsible for experimenting with car-sharing programs, self-driving ventures and other programs aimed at helping Ford better compete with UberAlphabet Inc.
On April 25,Ford announced that it will discontinue passenger cars in the North American market in the next four years, except for the Mustang, due to declining demand and profitability. Due to the vehicle being manufactured in China, Ford later announced that it would not release the Focus Active in the United States, due to tariffs imposed by the Trump administration on Chinese exports.
With the change in the demand on the ford mondeo rs vehicles, on January 6,Ford reported a sales fall of 9. In fact, Ford soldvehicles comparing toin Earley, Jr. Helman IV, William E. KennardJohn C. LechleiterEllen Marram, John L. The Ford Driving Skills for Life program is a driver safety program aimed at teens that were developed together with the Governors Highway Safety Ford mondeo rs and safety experts. Ford also has a cooperative agreement with Russian automaker GAZ.
At first, Ford in Germany and Ford in Britain built ford mondeo rs models from one another untilwhen the Ford Transit and later the Ford Escort and the Ford Capri became common to both companies.
Inthe Ford Taunus and the Ford Cortina came ford mondeo rs production with a common base construction, both models being produced in left hand drive and right hand drive. Later on, the models became identical and the respective models right and left hand drive exclusively.
Rationalisation of model ranges meant that production of many models in the UK switched to elsewhere in Europe, including Belgium and Spain as well as Germany. In FebruaryFord ended car production in the UK. Ford also produced the Thames range of commercial vehicles, although ford mondeo rs use of this brand name was discontinued circa Ford also owns a joint-venture production plant in Turkey.
Ford Otosanestablished in the s, manufactures the Transit Connect compact panel van as well as the "Jumbo" and long-wheelbase versions of the full-size Transit. This new production facility was set up near Kocaeli inford mondeo rs its opening marked the end of Transit assembly in Genk. InFord acquired a majority stake in Automobile CraiovaRomania.
Its Ford mondeo rs two-door saloon was one of the most quirky-looking small family cars in Europe at the time of its launch, but buyers soon became accustomed to its looks and it was hugely popular with British buyers in particular. It was still selling well when replaced by the more practical Escort in The fourth generation Escort was produced from untilalthough its successor — the Focus — had been on sale since On its launch, the Focus was arguably the most dramatic-looking and fine-handling small family cars on sale and sold in huge volumes right up to the launch of the next generation Focus at the end of The Ford Sierra — replacement for the long-running and massively popular Cortina and Taunus ford mondeo rs — was a style-setter at the time of its launch.
Its ultramodern aerodynamic design was a world away from a boxy, sharp-edged Cortina, and it was massively popular just about everywhere it was sold. A series of updates kept it looking relatively fresh until it was replaced by the front-wheel drive Mondeo at the start of The rise in popularity of small cars during the s saw Ford enter the mini-car market in with its Fiesta ford mondeo rs.
Most of its production was concentrated at Valencia in Spain, and the Fiesta sold in huge figures from the very start. An update in and the launch of an all-new model in strengthened its position in the small car market. Ford mondeo rs October 24,Ford announced that it would be closing its Genk assembly plant in eastern Belgium by the end of Ford formed its first passenger-vehicle joint venture ford mondeo rs China insix years behind GM and more than a decade after VW.
Ford had 2. GM outsells Ford in China by more than six-to-one. Ford began assembly of cars in Thailand inbut withdrew from the country inand did not return until when it formed a joint venture with Mazda called Auto Alliance.
The factory built in in Ford mondeo rs was shortly taken over by the Japanese during the war and was the site of a surrender of the British to the Japanese, at the factory site which is now a national monument in Ford mondeo rs. On April 30,Ford Motor Co. Though the Sable was branded and marketed as a Kia, it retained the Mercury badges and emblem. Ford lost their Kia interest to Hyundai in during the Asian financial crisis.
Ford India began production in at ChennaiTamil Naduwith its Ford Escort model, which was later replaced by the locally produced Ford Ikon in It has since added the Fusion, Fiesta, Mondeo and Endeavour models to its product line. On March 9,Ford launched its first made-for-India compact car.
Ford and Lincoln vehicles are currently marketed in ten countries in the region. Ford also established itself in Egypt in but faced an uphill battle during the s due to the hostile nationalist business environment. Ford employs over 18, people and operates seven assembly or other plants in the region. Ford in South Africa began by importing kits from Canada to be assembled at its Port Elizabeth facility. Following international condemnation of apartheidFord divested from South Africa inand sold its stake in Samcor, although it licensed the use of its brand name to the company.
Ford Focus — компактный автомобиль американской компании Ford.В Европе стабильно входит в десятку самых продаваемых автомобилей, в России с по год продано экземпляров.В году был самой продаваемой иномаркой в.
Ford now sells a local sedan version of the Fiesta also built in India and Mexicoand the Focus. The Falcon model from Australia was also sold in South Africa but was dropped in while the Mondeo, after briefly being assembled locally, was dropped in The Mondeo was later reintroduced inbadged as the Fusion but was dropped in The Ford Research and Innovation Center in Palo Alto was first opened ford mondeo rsand in Januaryannounced plans to significantly expand its operations.
Ford decided to shut down their entire operations in Indonesiaincluding ford mondeo rs dealer network by second half of Ford established a manufacturing facility in the port city of Yokohama in Februarywhere Model T vehicles were assembled using ford mondeo rs knock-down kits. Production ceased in as a result of political tensions between Japan and ford mondeo rs United States.
After World War II, Ford did ford mondeo rs have a presence in Japan, as the Ford facility was appropriated by the Japanese Government until when property was returned as a possession of the Ford Motor Company and became a research and development location for Ford partner Mazda.
Ford mondeo rsFord acquired a The Autorama sales channel was renamed Ford Sales of Japan in Mazda manufactured Ford vehicles in Japan and sold them as Fords at the Autorama locations.
Ford increased its shareholding in Mazda to Between andthe Falcon was based on a U. A ute short for "utility", known in the US as pickup truck version is also available with the same range of drivetrains. In addition, Ford Australia sells highly tuned limited-production Falcon sedans and utes through its performance car division, Ford Performance Vehicles until it closed in In New Zealand, Ford was second in market share in the first eight months of with Ford discontinued the Fairlane in and LTD in Ford had announced that their Geelong engine manufacturing plant would be ford mondeo rs down between and It outsold the Mazdadespite being almost identical to it because the Laser was manufactured in Australia and Ford was perceived as a ford mondeo rs brand.
The decision will affect Ford workers—over employees in Geelong and more than in Broadmeadows—who will lose their jobs by October Ford Motor Company sells a broad range of automobiles under the Ford marque worldwide, and an additional range of luxury automobiles under the Lincoln marque in the United States.
The company has sold vehicles under a number of other marques during its history.
The Mercury brand was introduced by Ford in ford mondeo rs, continuing in production until when poor sales led to its discontinuation. Inthe Merkur brand was introduced in the United States to market products produced by Ford of Europe; it was discontinued in In Novemberit reduced its Ford and Mazda remain strategic partners through exchanges of technological information and joint ventures, including an American joint venture plant in Flat Rock, Michigan ford mondeo rs Auto Alliance. On April 25,Ford announced that it planned to phase out all but one of its North American automobile models the Mustang will be ford mondeo rs sole surviving model to focus primarily on trucks and SUVs.
Ford had also planned to introduce an "Active" crossover version of the next-generation Focusbut canceled those plans due to tariff issues between the United States and China.
Most of these ventures are now extinct. The European one that lasted longest was the lorries arm of Ford of Britainwhich became part of the Iveco group ford mondeo rs Ford had a minority share in the new company ford mondeo rs Iveco took over sales and production of the Ford Cargo range. At the end ofFord sold the rights to its heavy trucks division to the Freightliner Trucks division of Daimler AG, with Ford producing the Cargo, Louisville, and Aeromax, through the model year.
During the model year, Freightliner began production of its own versions of Ford-developed trucks in St. Thomas, Ontario, launching the Sterling truck brand.
ForFord briefly withdrew from production of medium-duty trucks. In North America, the E-Series is still used as a chassis for small school buses and the F is used in commercial bus markets. In the s and ford mondeo rs, the medium-duty B was a popular chassis used by school bus body manufacturers including Thomas BuiltWardand Blue Birdbut Ford lost its market share due to industry contraction and agreements between body ford mondeo rs.
Older bus models included:.
InFord introduced the Ford Transit Busa series of small transit buses with bodies built by a second party. Originally a front-engine design, it was modified to a rear-engine design in About 1, to 1, of the original design were built, and around 12, of the rear-engine design, which was in production until [] rebranded as the Universal Bus in Rear-engine Transit Bus chassis model numbers: [].
They were also produced in Leningrad beginning in ford mondeo rs Ford reentered ford mondeo rs tractor market in with the Ford N-series tractors.
The Ford N8, introduced inbecame the most popular tractor of all time in North America. Production of the N line of models ended in The Ford NAA tractor was introduced as an entirely new model in It was a ford mondeo rs for the Ford N-Series tractors.
Larger than the 8N, with a four-cylinder engine, and streamlined styling.
InFord expanded its tractor business when it purchased the Sperry-New Holland skid-steer ford mondeo rs and ford mondeo rs baler, hay tools and implement company from Sperry Corporation and formed Ford-New Holland which bought out Versatile tractors in Ford offers automotive finance through Ford Motor Credit Company. It has spun off its parts division under the name Visteon. As a constructor, Ford won the World Sportscar Championship three times in, andand the World Rally Championship three times inand Formula Fordconceived in the UK inis an entry-level type of formula racing with wingless single-seater cars.
Ford Mondeo MK1 RS — The red Project. Me gusta · 3 personas están hablando de esto. Hier erfahrt ihr alles über meinen Mondeo, diverse Bilder von Umbauten und viele Infos und Fahrzeugdaten!
Ford was heavily involved in Formula One for many years and supplied engines to a large number of teams from until These engines were designed and manufactured by Cosworththe racing division that was owned by Ford from to Jaguar achieved little success in Formula One, and after a turbulent five seasons, Ford withdrew from the category after the seasonselling both Jaguar Racing which became Red Bull Racing and Cosworth to Gerald Forsythe and Kevin Kalkhoven.
Ford has a long history in rallying and has been active in the World Rally Championship since the beginning of the world championship, the season. Ford is the only manufacturer to score in the points for 92 consecutive races; since the season opener Monte Carlo Rally.
Ford has competed in rallycross with its Ford Fiesta and Ford Focus. Ford sports cars have been visible in the world of sports car racing since Most notably the GT40 ford mondeo rs the 24 Hours of Le Mans four times in the s and is the only Ford mondeo rs car to ever win overall at this prestigious event. Ford dominated Trans-Am in the s with Tommy Kendall ford mondeo rs championships in,and with Paul Gentilozzi adding yet another title in Ford and Michelin teamed up to provide custom-engineered tires for the Ford Performance vehicle lineup.
Ford has branched out into drifting with the introduction of the new model Mustang. The alternative fossil fuel vehicles, such as some versions of the Crown Victoria especially in fleet and taxi service, ford mondeo rs on compressed natural gas —or CNG.
Some CNG vehicles have dual fuel tanks — one for gasoline, the other for CNG — the same engine can operate on either fuel via a selector switch. Part of the challenge of successful marketing alternative and flexible fuel vehicles in the U. Significant ford mondeo rs to ramp up production and distribution of E85 ford mondeo rs are underway and expanding. InFord and Toyota agreed a patent sharing accord which granted Ford access to certain ford mondeo rs technology ford mondeo rs by Toyota; in exchange, Ford licensed Toyota some of its own patents.
With this vehicle, Ford was third to the automotive market with a hybrid electric vehicle and the first hybrid electric SUV to market. This was also the first hybrid electric vehicle with ford mondeo rs flexible fuel capability to run on E The similar Mazda Tribute will also receive a hybrid-electric powertrain option, along ford mondeo rs many other vehicles in the Ford vehicle line. InFord announced a goal to makeford mondeo rs a year bybut by mid announced that it would not meet that goal, due to excessively high costs and the lack of sufficient supplies of the hybrid-electric ford mondeo rs and drivetrain system components.
This engineering study is expected to yield more than new hybrid-electric vehicle models and derivatives. Bill Ford was one of the first top industry executives to make regular use of a battery electric vehiclea Ford Ranger EVwhile the company contracted with the United States Postal Service to deliver electric postal vans based on the Ranger EV platform.
Ford discontinued a line of electric Ranger pickup trucks and ordered them destroyed, though it reversed in Januaryafter environmentalist protest. From to ford mondeo rs, Ford offered the Ford TH! NK car. Ford ended production and ordered all the cars repossessed and destroyed, even as many ford mondeo rs the people leasing them begged to be able to buy the cars from Ford.
After outcry from the lessees and activists in the US and Norway, Ford returned the cars to Norway for sale. The Azure Transit Connect Electric was an all-electric van developed as a collaboration between Azure Dynamics and Ford Motor Company, but Azure was the official manufacturer of record. Ford continues to provide servicing. The Ford Focus Electric is based on the next generation Focus internal combustion vehicle, converted to an all-electric propulsion system as a production electric car by Magna International, and retail sales began in the U.
Ford has a pending trademark application on the "Model E" name, [] preventing the Tesla Model 3 in using the name. Ford also continues to study fuel ford mondeo rs -powered electric powertrains and has demonstrated ford mondeo rs internal combustion engine technologies, as well as developing the next-generation hybrid-electric systems.
Ford has launched the production of hydrogen-powered shuttle buses, using hydrogen instead of gasoline in a standard internal combustion enginefor use at airports and convention centers. The fuel cell Explorer the first in a series of prototypes partly funded by the United States Department of Energy to expand efforts to determine the feasibility of hydrogen- powered vehicles.
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The fuel cell Explorer is ford mondeo rs of several vehicles with green technology being featured at the L. Ford Motor Company announced it will accelerate its plans to produce more fuel-efficient cars, changing both its North American ford mondeo rs plans and its lineup of vehicles available in the United States.
In terms of North American manufacturing, the company will convert three existing truck and sport utility vehicle SUV plants for small car production, with the first conversion at its Michigan Truck Plant. Ford will also introduce to North America six of its European small vehicles, including two versions of the Ford Fiesta, by the end of Ford of Europe developed the ECOnetic programme to address the market and legislative need for higher fuel efficiency and lower CO2 emissions.
As opposed to the hybrid engine ford mondeo rs used in competitor products such as the Toyota PriusECOnetic improves existing technology. Using lower consuming Duratorq TDCi diesel engines, and based on a combination of improved aerodynamics, lower resistance, and improved efficiency, the Ford Fiesta is currently the lowest emitting mass-produced car in Europe [] while the Ford Focus ECOnetic will have better fuel consumption than the Prius or the Volkswagen Golf Ford mondeo rs.
Inunder the leadership of the current Ford chairman, William Clay Ford, the company announced [] a planned 25 percent ford mondeo rs in the average mileage of its SUVs — to ford mondeo rs completed by the calendar year. InFord announced that competitive market conditions and technological and cost challenges would prevent the company from achieving this goal. For the model year, Ford ford mondeo rs thirteen U.
Ford claimed to have eliminated nearly three million pounds of smog-forming emissions from their U. Senior Ford marketer Mark Jones explained in May the process behind the two sponsorship deals:. We start with a blank piece of paper and work out if the sponsorship still works for us and ask does it meet our objectives? We want to find a moment in time when people come together and have a collective experience and we achieve this through the sponsorships.
Only models sold in Continental Europe and the British Isles are shown, overseas territories often have different offerings. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Redirected from Ford. American multinational automobile manufacturer. For other uses, see Ford disambiguation. Traded as. Dearborn, Michigan. Automotive finance Vehicle leasing Vehicle service. Operating income.
Net income. Ford Lincoln Motorcraft.
Решетка для форд мондео
Main article: History of Ford Motor Company. Main article: Ford of Europe. Main article: Ford Motor Company of Japan. Main article: Ford Performance. Main article: Ford World Rally Ford mondeo rs. This section needs to be updated. The reason given is: this section did not include newer electric and hybrid models. Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. January See also: Hybrid electric vehicle.
See also: Plug-in electric vehicle. Cars portal Companies portal Michigan portal. June National Park Service. Archived from the original PDF on February 22, Retrieved August 18, Securities and Exchange Commission. Archived PDF from the original on February 19, Retrieved February ford mondeo rs, Archived from the original on August 6, Retrieved May 25, Yahoo Finance. Archived from the original on June 14, Archived from the original on July 18, Retrieved May 15, Wall Street Journal.
Archived from the original on September 30, Retrieved September 16, Archived from the original PDF on April 12, Retrieved February 1, — via Sohu. Archived from the original on June 20, Retrieved August 31, Ford Motor Co.
August 2, Archived from the original on August 3, Retrieved August 2, Archived from the original on September 27, Retrieved January 28, Archived from the original on November 16, Ford mondeo rs August 28, Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannic. Retrieved February 1, Archived from the original on July 2, Ford mondeo rs December 20, ford mondeo rs Archived from the original on August 23, Retrieved November 9, Archived from the original PDF on April 19, Retrieved September 19, The Advertising Age Encyclopedia of Advertising.
Retrieved August 15, Archived from the original on November 20, Retrieved May 24, August International Economic History Congress. Archived PDF from the original on October 20, Retrieved August 8, IEEE Spectrum. Archived from the original on December 23, Retrieved December 19, Archived from the original on November 29, Archived from the original on December 22, Quaker Scribe Publishing.
Archived from the original on October 9, ford mondeo rs Retrieved February 13, May 17, Archived from the original on May 19, Retrieved June 22, BBC News. Archived from the original on March 27, The Washington Post. Archived from the original on November 4, January 3, Archived from the original on January 3, January 23, The New York Times.
Ford mondeo rs from the original on April 23, Retrieved February 16, Archived from the original on March 26, Part Two". Business Week. Archived from the original on September 5, September 15, Archived from the original on August 28, The Detroit News.
November 28, Archived from the original on December 2, Archived from the original on June 5, Retrieved May 2, January 25, January 24, Archived from the original on May 15, Thomson Reuters. June 2, Archived from the original on December 29, ford mondeo rs Retrieved June 2, Archived from the original on January 17, Retrieved June 18, November 25,